Friday, December 3, 2010

To Know The Simple Peace of Seeing and Being

This is one of the greatest blessings that humans have: To know the simple peace of seeing and being.

Seeing: this is not only a visual perception, but all the senses are involved at the basic level. Seeing is the ascertaining of the world around us. This is also through feelings, emotions, and thoughts. Seeing our world without the tremendous, endless inner noise is simple, yet often not done. The world is noisy, the inner-world can be noisy, too. Seeing through this noise can be done with quieting the mind. Then seeing can become very clear and simple. Quiet mind, clear mind, clear sight.

Then the true peace of Being comes into play. Being is the embodiment of ourselves and our world. One affects the other, so that Being is one, organic, growing process; Being is existing in the 'now' and that 'now' is everywhere at the same time. Through clear sight, you can enter Being more and more truly, clearly.

Perceptions, opinions, ideas, alliances, attitudes, creations, ideologies, and feelings bounce around off of us and through us and around us, and the world takes certain shapes. Those shapes are shadows of the realities of Being, the window dressings of Existence. Strip away most of these things and you can see the simple, breath-taking reality of everyday Being.

Most of us look at and perceive life like T.V., the passive passing of images on a screen in front of our eyes. Every once in a while something shocks the dense fogginess of our Being into life, not just feeling alive, but into the 'moment', the stream of vital existence. Most of us run to food, sex, movies, something 'outside' ourselves to divert us from truly, simply being peace. Peace is often seen as 'uncool', 'boring', 'mundane', but true peace through Seeing and Being is the most exciting, breath-taking experience the human being can participate in.

Few have known it, many want it, political institutions can never understand it: Peace is in each of us, and we all experience it for however short a period of time every day, in sleep, in daydreams, in some way. If we did not, the mind could not survive.

The more you instill peace in your life, the more life will become peaceful.

The more of us that do this, the greater the power of peace in the wider world of Being.

Beyond images, thoughts, and feelings, the peace of seeing and being here 'in the moment', more and more truly 'in the moment', gives you a Center that can never be shaken, no matter what takes place. To keep your Soul intact, while the world around you is crashing and breaking, is the true treasure of life. This is your ticket to the Beyond. Here. All the auras of Being are gathered into one here. People have said they have seen Heaven in near-death experiences, and this vision is all the colors of the spectrum, and there is a deep peace and contentment in the vision, as well.

So Auras are just energies coming off the body, off the Being, the human being. Colors are the great richness of visual Existence. Some say that Colors have spiritual affinities, as well. This abounds in occult understandings of the world, and even in art history, and in the way our Seeing is affected on an everyday basis. To know the Simple Peace of Seeing colors and Being in those vibratory states (tantric) can have very calming, spiritual implications.

Using Being to create a magic space to interact with reality (yantra) can bring Peace and harmonious understanding to you through ritual, investigation, and transformation. Belief can be sharpened to a needle-point of perception and transcend the intellect and emotions into a magical realm of personal, psychic space, mysterious and yet clear and true. Magic is Spirit on Fire, yet peaceful and calm. A raging storm of quiet inner graceful, fluid Oneness.

The Knowledge of Simple Peace of Seeing and Being vibration (mantra) is known as meditation, many different types in many different cultures. True meditation is silencing the Mind, in essence. All distractions melt away, the world turns inward, and the focus is not to things outside, but of the inner-life and that is the true life of everything anyway. Chaos and calamity and change is everywhere outside, the inner holds true. For everyone, this is the same, but people want to feel separate, different, unique. Well, we are! The imagination makes the world seem fascinating; the simple peace of Seeing and Being makes the world graceful, unified, beautiful.

Most of us can't stay in the beauty of that spot, for our minds itch and freeze and fail us, and we want back into our cages of lust, and failure, and fainting mind, traitorous feeling. It's safer that way, we perceive. Then we see, and exist a little deeper again somewhere, somehow and we feel guilt and shame because of 'the cage': we get conflicted, agitated, confused. Loneliness and aggression often visit us in these times. But instead of going there, you can always go to your Center. Make that the spot to return to, and then knowing the simple peace of Seeing and Being will be right there with you, without effort, without burden, without trouble, without fear.

You will be Home wherever you are, and you will never be alone. Home is to Know this simply, blessed and graciously.

You are worth it, try it. Not hard at all.

Blesses be on you all.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Private Life of An All-Too Public World

In an age where people live their lives on the Internet, cell phones, through Apps, and electronic media like Wii and the old standby TV, where is the private life dwelling?

The Public and the Private have been issues of societies ever since people came together and agreed to create these types of unions, but now with the world as "leaky" and permeable as it is, and with so much surveillance equipment out there pointed back at us from every which way, privacy may be becoming a very different thing than it was for past generations.
 Then again, there are a lot less satellites surveilling us, thanks to the G.W. Administration's neglect.

So a public, open society like the United States has its dilemma cut out for it: when threats to National Security can come from anywhere (leaks, terrorism, etc.) the private life of the public can become more and more at stake. As a release valve for such anxiety, the public takes to the "web" or the airwaves, to give themselves a shot of self-confidence. So Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, and all the other media-sharing methods (Yelp and U-Tube and IPhone Apps topping the list) give the private public a way of being part of "the moment" in a way never possible even 10 years prior!

Now, some of this technology does not work all that well all the times, as is typical of human inventions. But there are individuals out there perfecting the instruments of the public life of private citizens. Apple and a host of other companies are making IPads and Droids faster than consumers can absorb. So the private life goes flying through the air in texts and searches and phone calls and Apps like swarms of rabid hornets, and telecommunication companies fight over the placement of antennae in neighborhoods and cities to capture their public's waves. (Health effects? Time will tell...)

And certain countries have banned cell phone use for young children, isn't that odd? I guess they figure the present data is valid enough to keep the health of the young relatively out of harm's way.

Is there really a need to always be connected electronically to family, friends, and strangers?

Does the public truly have to fight for "cyber rights", or is this some knee-jerk reaction to everybody doing the same thing because it's "just the way it is"? Well, many people are part of the web community now, and they have to rely on someone or some technology to protect their private lives somehow. It's like magic for most of us, arcane knowledge. Again, most of us put our "faith" in the protective ability of the sites on the web. Why? It's easier that way.

But with the WikiLeaks controversy now, and the ATM scams becoming very advanced, and Spyware getting better and better, these are just examples of how the private life of An All-Too Public World is getting gobbled up and usurped by technocrats and techno-brats!

Better to stay off the web? The cell phone? The media rat race? Well, that's relative. Just make sure that your private, inner life is in order and not commandeered by the chaotic, wild forces of media-engineering and political hot-spotting. North Korea and Iran will do what they are going to do. Peace activists and capitalists will go on plying their wares. Green Peace and the ACLU will continue hiring young idealists through private companies to raise money for their issues, and you will buy groceries, and Phone Apps, and items on because this is easy.

People and luxury have not always gone together, but now more of us can luxuriate in some basic luxuries that never existed before. Credit allows this. Debt Culture allows the private life to accumulate what the public wants us to have, right?

And so, just be aware of where you are, who you are after you put down that cell phone, turn off that computer, or tv, and reaffirm in some small or big way that that is YOU and it's great being YOU, not just the personality in the body of YOU, but the private spirit that is connected with everything in the universe, your private hook-up, your link-up with the Eternal. Please, remember to do this, each and every day.

Until, next time,

Love and Peace.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Shining Tribe Tarot Deck

This is a very cool Tarot deck, The Shining Tribe Tarot by Rachel Pollack, here is a review of it:

The cards have a very fascinating, artistic set of images, and gives a great revision of the standard Tarot cards.

I recommend them for anyone interested in Tarot, they have a book that goes along with them, as well.

For the Wands, Trees are shown.

For the Cups, Rivers are shown.

For the Swords, Birds are shown.

For the Pentacles, Stones are shown.

I love the artwork, it is one of the most unique Tarot decks I have ever seen.

If you have never tried Tarot, and are curious, this might be a fascinating beginning for you.

It might vivify the energies of your life, give you a brand new perspective. It is fun, anyways.

It is a cross-cultural deck, and very well researched by Pollack. "Awakening The Universal Spirit" is part of her attempt with the deck.

Hope you enjoy this enchanting game of Life!

The Great Wide World and All The Small Things We Need

Love, a great, grand word. Overflowing and all-encompassing in emotions, idea, and imagination. Yet love is really in all the small details of daily living.

We pick the the things in this great, wide world that we will love, and sometimes they pick us.

The 'they' and the 'us' are one in the same when you get close enough, lower the defenses of fears, prejudices, ego, and then love becomes not just an abstract idea, or overpowering emotion, but it becomes a tangible, integral part of you like an body part or an organ.

There is a concept in the great wide world now called 'emotional intelligence'. What is this? Is it the measure of how one deals with emotions and emotional situations? We all have to do this, in large and small ways all day long, all night, too. Dreams are part of this 'emotional intelligence' that has baffled and surprised people every since the species began. The Awake Time we all think is our conscious outlet for the emotions and ideas, feelings and thoughts that well up from within us is really just a break from our dreaming, unconscious, subliminal mind. And 'day-dreams' are there to remind us of this.

"Make your dreams come true." How does one do this? The only real way, Love. Making the connections and developing our 'emotional intelligence' through all the small things we need in life, food, friendships, caring, self-expression, activity, games, sex, security, challenges, all these things and more we make present in our lives in small, poignant ways, and when we feel their absence, we feel out of sorts, out of place. Smiles are frowns, blue skies are dark and stormy.

Being in "sorts" with your Self is bringing the Great Wide World and All The Small Things We Need together in a harmonious way, a graceful meeting of the dream- and the waking-world. We live in dreams deeply, yet we deny them because we are confused by their imagery, or their messages; they are our grandest friends and allow the magic to flow in our lives. Understanding our dream life is a small but grand step towards discovering 'emotional intelligence' I feel. Taking the mirror of the mind and putting it to paper, or painting, or some artistic way is one way, the other is to really examine in all the small things all day long how our dreams relate to and connect us to what is essential, what we need.

Love is where the world is transformed. The true power of Existence is not in Power, Money, Material Gain, or Political Intrigue, but in Love. The Great Wide World is for all of us, and when that place meets us in the Small details of our lives, then love is born, possibly thousands of times a day.

This is not idealism, this is 'what is', we just have to see it, be open to it, and aware, quietly and intently aware. The thinker J. Krishnamurti said, "Truth is A Pathless Land." This is the awareness that following and seeking others for the answers to our lives is pointless. We all must find our own truth. In this is the end of suffering, the meeting of us and all the small things in our lives that are us. It is the end of image-making, idolatry, and ideologies of every shape and breed. It is the core of Reality, and the truth of Love.  Love is a big word, but in the small, intent perceptions we produce every day we can create a true world of caring, love, and one centered in 'emotional intelligence' and a spirit of the Great Self.

What do we all need? What do we all want? Love. Love is something free, and creates Freedom when it is true and centered in 'emotional intelligence'. The Great Wide World is our stage, and we the players, and The Small Things We Need make us the players and move us through this Moment now, now, now, then we will actually be able to live in the 'moment' without longing, losing, and desiring constantly, burning off our precious energies into Oblivion. We will finally meet our best friend, ourselves, and be able to walk in The Garden of Eden of our own Spirit and life.

Go forth and discover this for yourself. Be amazed. Be surprised every day. See the world awake and anew. No one can tell you or show you this, you must be there and in it yourself. And let no one tell you different. The sun, the moon, and all the stars are there because of You, and each of us is Alpha and Omega, this is what Christ, The Buddha, Lao Tzu, Ghandi, Mark Twain, and many others spent their lives trying to show people: not to follow, not to be a shadow, not to accept oppression or the demands of others; be what you were meant to be, Love-In-And-Of-Itself, there is no other greater purpose for we as human beings on this planet, Earth.

Peace and blessings upon you.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Every little bit...

I am drawing a Tarot card tonight, to tell me what energies are flowing today...

Gypsies and Eastern Europeans believed that telling fortunes on Sunday was bad luck, but I don't count this as Sunday yet until the Sun comes up...

Here goes...

I have drawn Queen of Rods. The description is as follows, "A beautiful, strong ruler, with wisdom and happiness upon her face. She wears a crown and headdress of gold and purple, the colors of royalty. A sliver of the crescent moon hangs in the starry night sky . She, like the king, holds her royal scepter, which is in full flower. Meaning--A friendly dark woman, chaste, loving, honorable. Love of money, success in business." There is a reverse meaning, too, if the card is pulled and is viewed upside-down: "Opposition, jealousy, deceit, and infidelity"...but I have pulled the card upright, so today I will pay attention to the message of this card in a subtle way and see where it's meaning flowers.

Here is another simple, great phrase of wisdom, " Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is right here and now." Who is this quote from?


Give up? It is from a great little book called "The Word According To Mister Rogers, Important Things To Remember" by Fred Rogers. Cool, eh? I love that quote.

I love to draw from many sources, the world is not one thing, or one way of doing or being, it is many, and we are all of them, always. We must remember this, or else be lost in the minute details and back-alleys of our lives. The ultimate, extreme result of this is madness, insanity.

Losing your way is not getting lost, it is losing the sense that you might remember how to play and getting too wrapped up in your personality and ego. Getting lost, it is what people say when they want you to leave their presence, right? But getting lost
is the only way to find your Self, every little bit, the Hero's journey is not outward but within, and the Maze is not the outward confusion of space, but the inward quest, not toward perfection, but towards self-realization. So, many wells draw many waters, sweet, bitter, dark, light, and murky, but they are all the same substance, as we are all the same substance, human Being, human Spirit.

A great movie that gives expression to this was that movie "21 Grams". Watch it. See if I am not right.  The heart is a metaphor for the movie's theme, think on this as you watch, the Heart and the heart, Spiritual tool and physical organ. That phrase "The Human Heart" is the coalescing of the metaphor. Also, look at a set of Tarot cards, or just plain Playing cards while watching this movie, or do it before or after. Just look through them, don't put any expectations on what you'll find or see, just Look, turn, and See what is there before you and in your will really be suprised..."21 grams", "how much does 21 grams weigh?"

Amazing things happen every day, like now, like today.

Look. See. Be Amazed at Simplicity, be quietly astounded by a piece of music, a picture, your hand, or the eyes of your eyes with a dream you have awakened from...Now is all there is, so have fun and bless this moment with everything you've got!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Read More helps your word power and imagination!

11Swan by Mary Oliver (Beacon Press)10
23Evidence (paperback) by Mary Oliver (Beacon Press)8
36Nox by Anne Carson (New Directions)31
45Hard Times Require Furious Dancing by Alice Walker (New World Library)6
54The Shadow of Sirius (paperback) by W. S. Merwin (Copper Canyon Press)62
610The Trouble with Poetry and Other Poems (paperback) by Billy Collins (Random House)185
712Red Bird (paperback) by Mary Oliver (Beacon Press)86
8--Anterooms: New Poems and Translations by Richard Wilbur (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)2
97New and Selected Poems: Volume Two (paperback) by Mary Oliver (Beacon Press)185
109Phantom Noise by Brian Turner (Alice James Books)7
1114Ballistics (paperback) by Billy Collins (Random House)40
1217The Continual Conditional (paperback) by Charles Bukowski (Ecco)5
1326Bicycles: Love Poems (paperback) by Nikki Giovanni (Harper Perennial)39
1413The Pleasures of the Damned: Poems, 1951-1993 (paperback) by Charles Bukowski (Ecco)99
15--The Voluptuary by Paulann Petersen (Lost Horse Press)1
1611Thirst (paperback) by Mary Oliver (Beacon Press)165
1715The Cloud Corporation by Timothy Donnelly (Wave Books)7
1816A Village Life (paperback) by Louise Glück (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)8
19--Ignatz by Monica Youn (Four Way)1
20--River Flow: New & Selected Poems 1984-2007 by David Whyte (Many Rivers Press)7
2118Ariel: The Restored Edition by Sylvia Plath (Harper Perennial)193
2230The Best of It by Kay Ryan (Grove Press)36
23--The Apple Trees at Olema by Robert Hass (Ecco)27
24--Stories That Listen by Priscilla Becker (Four Way)1
25--One With Others by C. D. Wright (Copper Canyon Press)1
258Here, Bullet by Brian Turner (Alice James Books)128
26--Newspaper Blackout by Austin Kleon (Harper Perennial)27
2628Leavings by Wendell Berry (Counterpoint)58
2623Migration: New & Selected Poems (paperback) by W. S. Merwin (Copper Canyon Press)35
27--Walking Papers by Thomas P. Lynch (W. W. Norton & Company)2
28--News of the World by Philip Levine (Knopf)21
28--Redefining Beauty by Karla K. Morton (Dos Gatos Press)2
29--Dialect of a Skirt By Erica Miriam Fabri (Hanging Loose Press)2
3027Versed (paperback) by Rae Armantrout (Wesleyan)21