Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Great Wide World and All The Small Things We Need

Love, a great, grand word. Overflowing and all-encompassing in emotions, idea, and imagination. Yet love is really in all the small details of daily living.

We pick the the things in this great, wide world that we will love, and sometimes they pick us.

The 'they' and the 'us' are one in the same when you get close enough, lower the defenses of fears, prejudices, ego, and then love becomes not just an abstract idea, or overpowering emotion, but it becomes a tangible, integral part of you like an body part or an organ.

There is a concept in the great wide world now called 'emotional intelligence'. What is this? Is it the measure of how one deals with emotions and emotional situations? We all have to do this, in large and small ways all day long, all night, too. Dreams are part of this 'emotional intelligence' that has baffled and surprised people every since the species began. The Awake Time we all think is our conscious outlet for the emotions and ideas, feelings and thoughts that well up from within us is really just a break from our dreaming, unconscious, subliminal mind. And 'day-dreams' are there to remind us of this.

"Make your dreams come true." How does one do this? The only real way, Love. Making the connections and developing our 'emotional intelligence' through all the small things we need in life, food, friendships, caring, self-expression, activity, games, sex, security, challenges, all these things and more we make present in our lives in small, poignant ways, and when we feel their absence, we feel out of sorts, out of place. Smiles are frowns, blue skies are dark and stormy.

Being in "sorts" with your Self is bringing the Great Wide World and All The Small Things We Need together in a harmonious way, a graceful meeting of the dream- and the waking-world. We live in dreams deeply, yet we deny them because we are confused by their imagery, or their messages; they are our grandest friends and allow the magic to flow in our lives. Understanding our dream life is a small but grand step towards discovering 'emotional intelligence' I feel. Taking the mirror of the mind and putting it to paper, or painting, or some artistic way is one way, the other is to really examine in all the small things all day long how our dreams relate to and connect us to what is essential, what we need.

Love is where the world is transformed. The true power of Existence is not in Power, Money, Material Gain, or Political Intrigue, but in Love. The Great Wide World is for all of us, and when that place meets us in the Small details of our lives, then love is born, possibly thousands of times a day.

This is not idealism, this is 'what is', we just have to see it, be open to it, and aware, quietly and intently aware. The thinker J. Krishnamurti said, "Truth is A Pathless Land." This is the awareness that following and seeking others for the answers to our lives is pointless. We all must find our own truth. In this is the end of suffering, the meeting of us and all the small things in our lives that are us. It is the end of image-making, idolatry, and ideologies of every shape and breed. It is the core of Reality, and the truth of Love.  Love is a big word, but in the small, intent perceptions we produce every day we can create a true world of caring, love, and one centered in 'emotional intelligence' and a spirit of the Great Self.

What do we all need? What do we all want? Love. Love is something free, and creates Freedom when it is true and centered in 'emotional intelligence'. The Great Wide World is our stage, and we the players, and The Small Things We Need make us the players and move us through this Moment now, now, now, then we will actually be able to live in the 'moment' without longing, losing, and desiring constantly, burning off our precious energies into Oblivion. We will finally meet our best friend, ourselves, and be able to walk in The Garden of Eden of our own Spirit and life.

Go forth and discover this for yourself. Be amazed. Be surprised every day. See the world awake and anew. No one can tell you or show you this, you must be there and in it yourself. And let no one tell you different. The sun, the moon, and all the stars are there because of You, and each of us is Alpha and Omega, this is what Christ, The Buddha, Lao Tzu, Ghandi, Mark Twain, and many others spent their lives trying to show people: not to follow, not to be a shadow, not to accept oppression or the demands of others; be what you were meant to be, Love-In-And-Of-Itself, there is no other greater purpose for we as human beings on this planet, Earth.

Peace and blessings upon you.

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