Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A brilliant new blog

Hello, and Welcome!

This is the launching of my new blog! Cheers, mate!

The subjects will vary but will usually be relevant to this world we live in.

The literary, cultural, political, and artistic aspects of modern life will be the main targets of this blog.

All those things that happen in the day, the night, and everything in between will be covered at some point.

So here's my first crack at it:

Tomorrow is Veteran's Day in the U.S.A. . Let's all remember how much these men and women have gone through (the horrors of war, discipline, and the fury of modern combat) and give a quiet prayer, meditation, or poem, or whatever for them and hope that the destructive energies of war come to an end sooner than later. George Washington warned the country many years ago about getting embroiled in "foreign entanglements" and now our country has been locked into these for the better part of 200 years.
For the sake of our men and women in uniform, let's work towards a more humane solution to the problems of the world, and make sure to stay informed about the state of our military overseas. They need our support, but more so they need to come home. Their place is at home, and our priorities as a country should be to be attending to our ailing economy and workforce, and not pouring our precious resources into protecting powerful foreign interests.

So here's to all you vets, thank you for your service to our great nation. And let's hope we can live up to your sacrifices and make your lives a bit less harsh, and bring all our men and women in arms home soon. You don't need parades and fanfare, you need real health care, real opportunities for your futures, and the ability to pursue your dreams and make them reality as well as anyone!

The 20th Century was a real rough one, and this past decade has been much better. Let's give it the real college try, everyone, and make a more equal, peaceful, and beautiful world. This is not idealism, this is a true meditation on which we all need to give ourselves to 100 percent daily, not just in grandiose ways but in everyday things and relationships we have

And don't forget to rock out, and have fun, as well!!!!

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